Human Logo

If the tiny droplets make an ocean, you are one such important droplet here. Get together to create a human form of the company’s logo. Every one doing their bit in tandem.



Innovation and Visualisation, Collaboration and Team spirit


Activity in a capsule

A logo is what generates the maximum brand-recall for an organization. It forms the biggest piece in the branding jigsaw. So, how about you all get together and make one? But not on paper, a massive human logo formed by you-the employees. Expect a lot of twisting your bodies, hustle-bustle, hooting and falling on each other. Ever played Twister? So much fun, isn’t it? There will be those senior membership leaders rooting for you screaming, ‘you can do it!’

All of this to make your own organization’s logo using a DRONE. How cool is that! It instils so much positivity and a never-say-die attitude that when the final figure is ready, the feeling cannot be described.



Any activity you take up that buzzes around a company’s goals/objectives, needs to be fun. And what fun this one is! One for a common goal, one human logo!

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