The Hustle

Can you be agile and meet customer’s demands in 60 minutes? Each team has an allocation of 10 tasks with varying points assigned. The leader must decide how to maximize profit



Agility, Speed, Time management and Critical problem solving


Activity in a capsule

Are you the one who performs best under pressure and can HUSTLE your way to victory? This is the activity for you! Each team is given a set of 12 activities to be done. Each activity is scored according to the difficulty level and you are scored as per your performance in it. Every team needs to finish a minimum of 8 tasks in 60 minutes, trying to gather maximum points. But who says you cant do it all?

Can you be agile? Will you be a risk taker and complete it difficult tasks to beat the rest? Or will you hedge your risk with a mix of all kinds? There is a lot of hustle with pure joy.



This challenge is about the smarter choices made by the team. Should you aim to do all 12 or should you smartly do those 8 that earn you maximum points? There is competition, teamwork and a ton of pressure. But mostly, there is fun.

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